Saturday, July 10, 2010

Good Morning, its rainy and humid here. A great day to get things done around the house and also get more Homeschool Materials together! I am going to spend some time today looking into the Charlotte Mason Curriculum.


  1. Looooove the layout!! very cute choice!
    I just got done gathering my books and workbooks together.. im really excited to start putting more of it together. we are gonna have fun this next year. don and i decided to only use 2 out of the 3 themes that we bought for the school year. the third one has more science and imma use it next summer. the two we are gonna use is: community & culture. my gma gave us her set of encyclopedias and child craft encyclopedias.. they are WAY cool! they work perfectly with our units.
    have fun putting your materials together!! looking forward to following your posts :)

  2. I am getting overwhelmed! I am trying to get my stuff together and print papers ect...I need a set of encyclopedias! I am looking forward to this year too! I am still trying to figure this blogging out right. I LOVE your site, way cute!
