Thursday, June 30, 2011
God's word endures forever
1 Peter 1:23~25 "The grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of the Lord endures forever." I am so glad that in life we have the word of God that will never fail. It is so wonderful to have a book of promises by the God of the Universe that we can trust. When men fail us, family and even closest friends we can go to the Lord.......As a parent I know that when we have our children there is no book on how to raise them, no list of what to do and what not to do. We go by our natural instinct and what is right. I am so glad that Gods Word is our book of what to do and what not to do in this life. Its hard to abide by it all the time, we are human. Its nice that we have something that we can go to and will lead us and will never fail us. We just need to listen and obey it and him as well.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A home in Heaven
Good Morning.How is everyone today? I hope great! This is my morning scripture I want to share with you...John 14 "Let not your hearts be troubled, Trust in God; Trust also in me. In my Fathers house are many rooms, if it were not so I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. If I go to prepare a place I WILL come back and take you with me..." How great is that! To think that the Lord is creating a place for us so that one day we will all be together. A huge family reunion! Wow, I think this scripture is so awesome. I have often wondered, "what will we do in eternity" do you think we will get bored? I think it will be so awesome to not only meet the Lord but David, Abraham and Mary.....I can imagine we will want to sit and talk for hours....Will there be coffee and food in heaven? Oh I hope so. I think that all the things like eating and drinking here on earth we will do there too. So many questions I have about it and the bible does not really tell to much about how it will be when we get there, like what we will do. Of course we will worship the Lord which will be the best but will I be able to hang out with my parents and kids? I hope so too! What are some of your thoughts on it??
Sunday, June 26, 2011
I love Sunday's
There is something about Sunday's that I just LOVE. To me Sunday is the one day that you get together with Family and go to Church, have a big dinner and relax and enjoy one another's company. Our family ALWAYS went to Church on Sundays then Grandma's after for a big yummy dinner, it was like a holiday. I want to carry that on to my kids. Traditions are very important to me. I love the idea of one day my kids saying "We used to do this when I was a kid". I want to pass down good things that will bring the family close. Unfortunately in the world today, so many families are not close. We need to love one another and get along. God gave us one another for a reason and even though we don't always see eye to eye we still need to love one another. I hope all of you had a great Sunday and many more great ones to come! I am going to post the recipe and pics tomorrow of our Yummy Dinner we had, Hillbilly Spaghetti.......It was our first time making it and it was so yummy!!!!!! God Bless!!!!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Edie's Yummy Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The "Good ol Days"
I have often thought about how we live today compared to when my mom was younger and I can't help but think today times are very hard. Today the price of things make it to where most families need 2 incomes to stay above water. That is so hard. Whats going to happen when 2 incomes are not enough? Here is a list of things I came across today about the price in 1955 for some things.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Is anyone doing anything fun this Summer? Any good vacations? We are trying to figure out what we can all do, its hard when you have a 10 year old and then 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 year old. Their likes are very different. We have been doing some swimming which we all love and since we will still continue school until September, we are not going to be taking any trips. I would love to take them to Yogi Campground in September, we love it there. The first time we went it rained the whole weekend and we were kinda stuck in the cabin but it was SO FUN! We had limited TV and internet. We still roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. I realize its the little things that we do that bring the most memories. The quiet times we spend together just enjoying each other are priceless. I often think about when I was a child and the memories I have. We didn't do big vacations of Disney World and things like that because my parents could not afford it. However, we did do were things like fishing, camping, cookouts and amusement parks. So fun! I look back now as an adult and I didn't have a care in the world. What good times. I want my kids to have great memories no matter what we are doing. One day memories are all we have and I want them to be good.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Father's Day
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Romans 12:1~3 says that we are to "offer our bodies as a living sacrifice , holy and pleasing to God. We are not to conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds." I struggle daily with this, I am not even gonna try to fool myself and say I don't. It is a daily struggle to to keep our minds in clear thinking, with the struggles of life it is very easy to get side tracked. I need to remind myself daily who I am in Christ and that I am worthy of his grace and mercy. Our flesh is a hard thing to die to. I want to live a Holy life and be pleasing to God. I want people to see Jesus in me and I want to set an example for him. There is nothing worse then making a 1st bad impression and how are we to share the love of Jesus with others if our lives are not pleasing to him. When I meet someone I want them to say "There is something different about her". I remember as a teenager going to church, we went faithfully, and I became friends with the pastors daughter. Well, I would look at her and almost be envious because she seemed so sweet, pure and had a glow I could not put my finger on. Now that I am older and I have formed my own relationship with the Lord I know that the "glow" I could not put my finger on was Jesus. I want to live in that. Its the best place to be, its a safe place, a place where there is hope. I want others to be in that place as well. My prayer is that the Lord help me to live that holy pleasing life for him. I pray that you do as well.
Steven Curtis Chapman on Early Show
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
What a day!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
I THANK God that we are Forgiven!! I remember as a child I would say my prayers and ask God to forgive me a numerous amount of times DAILY! I would become so afraid that I would go to hell if something happened. I lived in a constant state of fear. I am so glad that as an adult I am learning about his Grace and that we are NOT perfect people. We are human, we make mistakes and we will continue to make them. The thing that sets us apart from others is that we believe in Jesus as being our Lord and Savior and we have that personal relationship with him.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Thank God for Grandparent's
Today we went shopping with Mom Mom and she LOVES to buy the kids clothes which helps the parents so much!! Every year for Christmas my mom will buy TONS of summer clothes for the my kids and my nieces, I appreciate that so much! So many times these things that we "expect" begin to go unappreciated. I guess you can say at times we take things for granted. I pray that I do not become like that. I am thankful and pray that God continue to remind us of our blessings and all of the things we are to be thankful for. Its so easy to let things get overlooked due to our expectations and our wants.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Sympathy for Eve??
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
School's out for Summer!!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Raising Children
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Be angry and Sin not
I was doing some reading this morning and came across Psalm 37:8~9
“Refrain from anger and turn from wrath, do not fret~it leads only to evil.” I thought to myself about how many times I have been so angered and mad about things. I just could not believe that would lead me to evil. My thinking was “well I am angry, I want to sulk in it awhile then maybe I will be over it. Time will tell” Well the Bible clearly states that we CAN be angry, just don’t let it take hold of us. Get over it fast, do not let the sun go down on it. We do not want to let satan have a foothold on anything. If we sit and let it fester in us that even makes you angrier. Have you ever heard someone say the expression “I just want to stew awhile” well that means to sit and dwell on the issue at hand. Anger is like a cancer. Its no good! We all get mad at one another and have issues but we need to get to the root quickly, say how we feel and MOVE forward.
I know its much easier said then done, its something that we need to pray and ask God to help us with. I don’t think its something that over night you just become a person who will forgive and move quickly over things, its a process and with God’s help and his mercy we can become people who when angry confront, deal with the issue, and move forward. This is not to say that we become a door mat, there is a time when we are treated wrongly and become angry that we may need to step back away from the person and allow God to do a work in them. We are not to be treated badly and just accept it. We need to pray for that person.
So I think the bottom line is, its ok to get angry, its a normal emotion. We are not to let it take hold of us. It WILL lead to evil. We are not to let it sit in us and control our lives. We need to give it to God. Trust him, and pray that he would help us to move past and forgive. It does nothing for you to dwell on it. The problem is, we are the ones angry and the person that made you feel this way has no idea and they are going about their lives like everything is fine. Don’t let it ruin or steal your joy. Don’t let it take one minute of your life. My prayer is that God would help me if or when I am angered to confront the person, deal with the issue and move forward!
I hope this was of some encouragement to somebody. I know that it has opened my eyes a little more into what anger is capable of doing to us.