Saturday, June 11, 2011

Thank God for Grandparent's

Today we went shopping with Mom Mom and she LOVES to buy the kids clothes which helps the parents so much!! Every year for Christmas my mom will buy TONS of summer clothes for the my kids and my nieces, I appreciate that so much! So many times these things that we "expect" begin to go unappreciated. I guess you can say at times we take things for granted. I pray that I do not become like that. I am thankful and pray that God continue to remind us of our blessings and all of the things we are to be thankful for. Its so easy to let things get overlooked due to our expectations and our wants.
Its very important that we appreciate people for what they do, their kindness toward us and most importantly be Thankful for our relationship with God. Above all else, he should be our number 1 priority and we need to Thank him for everything.
Psalm 100:4 "Enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise, give thanks to him and praise his name."


  1. Amen to that. It would be nice to be the one others feel thankful for as well. Sometimes when our kids are young we need help more than we can be a help. It is beautiful how God allows us to make that transition as our kids grow and we become grandparents : )

  2. Thats so true. I can sympathize alot with other mothers since I am one as well and have young kids. A LOT of times we feel unappreciated as moms. I do know one thing and believe its true, being a parent and raising our kids right is the hardest yet most rewarding job ever! I feel honored that God trust me enough with his little ones :)
