Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I was reading in Mark 9 this evening about the Father who brought his son to Jesus to be healed of a spirit he was tormented by. I can only picture it, a father wanting more then anything to have his precious child healed from something so horrific. Waiting and going to the Disciples only to be in the midst of arguing. Jesus came and asked them why they were arguing, and it was due to the fact that the disciples could not cast out the spirit. Jesus called them "unbelieving generation." The father then asked Jesus "if he could" do anything, would he? HA, That is laughable yet it is something that I myself have been guilty of! Would God really help me in my time of need? Would Jesus heal our loved ones, would he supply everything we need? So many times I have been an unbeliever and doubted God. Why is it that we think our God is so small? Its something that even 2,ooo years ago they struggled with the. Jesus said to the man that "ALL things were possible if you believe", the man said "I believe, help me with my doubt."
I must say that I can relate to that. I have so many times had a lingering doubt with things and I have had to ask the Lord to help me believe, I don't think that is a bad thing. I believe the Lord is there for everything we need, we are to be honest with him. Even if that means going to him and asking for his grace and mercy to help us trust and believe in him more. Jesus healed the boy. Jesus is compassionate and understanding. If we believe, all things are possible with God! That should give us the hope we need in this life, with God everything is going to be ok.


  1. I was just thinking today that I am accepted and loved by the living God of the universe! I should be full of joy at all times even if the whole world rejects me. This is the truth we can rest in to know that " everything is going to be ok". Will bad things happen? Yes! Will loved ones die and not receive miraculous healing? Yes! Will we ever feel that we are rejected or unloved by those we hold most dear? Yes! Will we ever be forsaken by the all loving sovereign God who wrote Romans 8:28 that says that ALL things work together for the good of those who love God and are the called according to His purpose? NEVER,EVER,EVER! And THAT is how we KNOW that ultimately "everything WILL be ok". <3 <3

  2. Amen sister!!! I guess great minds think alike :) I know its easier said then done sometimes but we know deep down its the truth. We will have heartache in this world and trials, tribulations ect.... But just like Jesus said. "its ok, he has overcome the world" and that should be enough for us. We are human, and God knows that and we will struggle with things. Its ok, but I am trying to keep in my head that God is in control, ultimately he is the one in control.

  3. The most wonderful sense of peace I ever have is those moments I truly rest in that truth that He is in control. There is no way to ever explain that to someone who hasn't received salvation. I pray we both can learn to walk in that peace daily!

  4. You are so right! There is something about it that nothing else compares too or ever will, its the most safest place we will or can ever be. To think that is just the tip of what eternity will feel like, to be with the Lord and never have a care or worry. Its something we just can't fathom in our earthly minds. I pray that we walk in that peace too, todays life is so hectic and busy we all need that kind of peace.
