Thursday, July 28, 2011

Our children need prayer!

Most people will agree with me that children are a blessing to us, however, what is wrong with people these days that just toss them away like they are trash? Do they not fear the Judgement of God? Do they think that this goes unseen? I have struggled with issues like this where the accused walks away as if nothing ever happened and its boggled my mind many times how the Lord could allow this. I have come to the realization though that we are given "Free will". We are not robots who can be made to do a certain thing or act a certain way. We have a choice and its unfortunate that many people suffer at the hands of evil people. I do believe though, that one day, they WILL stand accountable, don't you agree?? Justice ultimately belongs to God. My blog is titled "Graciously Given" because of the scripture Genesis 33:5 where Esau asks Jacob who all the children are that are with him and he replies "These are the children that God has SO GRACIOUSLY given me". They are a gift, they belong to the Lord. We have a job here to raise them right, teach them morals, how to have empathy and sympathy towards others so that when they are older they are a blessing to this World and to society. We can only do the best we can as long as we know in our hearts we are raising and treating them right. Children are innocent and defenseless and we need to take a stand and protect them. I pray now that God keep my kids safe so when the times comes that they leave my house I can only trust them in the care of the Lord. Of course I would like to keep them home forever :) I know that I can't. Its a scary world and there are plenty people out there who care, changes need to be made to keep our children safe. I pray that things will change, laws be changed, that parents hearts grow soft and not cold towards their children. Thats all that we can do. Prayer changes things. Will you all agree to pray that way with me, daily? I know you will. God Bless.


  1. How beautiful. I agree, prayers do work. We all need to pray for a better society to raise our children, to guide them and protect them from the evil that surrounds them.

  2. So true Laura, our kids need it so desperately.

  3. Amen sister.. I have many times said.. I dont think Hell will be hot enough for some people. and as a mother of 3 and 3 precious grandchildren,,the thought of some of the actions of people sicken my stomach.. We do need to stand for the ones who can not stand for themselves.. I pled the blood of Jesus every day over my family,,and I wish i could do that for every man woman boy and girl in the world..but I do know that in the times on these childrens needs.. God is with them comforting them, even in the worst of time.. Thank you for a great post.. and look forward to seeing you stop back by and visit again over at
